function [sigma,z_thresh] = fit_tsne_z_logspeed_gmm(z_speed,plot_bool) % fit two-component gaussian mixture model to t-SNE trajectory log speed data, % find speed threshold for parsing data, and (optionally) plot results % convert speed to log speed and sub-sample the data log_z = log(cat(1,z_speed{:})); log_z(isnan(log_z)|isinf(log_z))=[]; sample_sz = 50000; sample_sz(sample_sz>numel(log_z)) = numel(log_z); log_z_sample = log_z(randperm(numel(log_z),sample_sz)); % fit two-component gmm to log speed opts = statset; opts.MaxIter = 3000; mdl = fitgmdist(log_z_sample,2,'Options',opts); % estimate gaussian pdfs based on model x = linspace(-2,10,200); [~,centera]=hist(log_z,x); gaussPdf= pdf(mdl,centera'); gaussPdfi = NaN(numel(x),mdl.NumComponents); sigma = NaN(mdl.NumComponents,1); mu = NaN(mdl.NumComponents,1); weight = NaN(mdl.NumComponents,1); for n = 1:mdl.NumComponents mu(n) =; sigma(n) = sqrt(mdl.Sigma(1,1,n)); weight(n) = mdl.ComponentProportion(n); gaussPdfi(:,n) = weight(n)*normpdf(centera',mu(n),sigma(n)); end % sort modes such that low speed mode comes first [~,p] = sort(mu); mu = mu(p); sigma = sigma(p); weight = weight(p); gaussPdfi = gaussPdfi(:,p); % find threshold [~,mu1_idx] = min(abs(centera-mu(1))); [~,mu2_idx] = min(abs(centera-mu(2))); [~,intersect_idx] = min(abs(diff(gaussPdfi(mu1_idx:mu2_idx,:),1,2))); intersect_idx = intersect_idx + mu1_idx -1; log_z_thresh = centera(intersect_idx); z_thresh = exp(log_z_thresh); % generate optional plot if plot_bool figure; hold on; hh=histogram(log_z,x,'Normalization','pdf','FaceColor',[0.1 0.1 .3],'FaceAlpha',1,'EdgeColor','none'); hpdf=plot(centera', gaussPdf, 'Color',[.5 .5 1], 'linewidth', 2); hg1=plot(centera', gaussPdfi(:,1),'-m','linewidth', 2); hg2=plot(centera', gaussPdfi(:,2),'Color',[0 .75 0],'linewidth', 2); ylim = get(gca,'YLim'); plot([log_z_thresh log_z_thresh],[0 ylim(2)],'r--'); hold off; legend([hpdf;hg1;hg2;hh],{'pdf';'component 1';'component 2';'histogram'}); title_str = {'embedded log-speed GMM';... sprintf('(\\mu_{1}=%0.1f, \\sigma_{1}=%0.1f; \\mu_{2}=%0.1f, \\sigma_{2}=%0.1f)',... mu(1),sigma(1),mu(2),sigma(2))}; title(title_str); ylabel('PDF'); xlabel('log(speed)'); end