Companion Data Page

The structure of behavioral variation within a genotype

Zach Werkhoven, Alyssa Bravin, Kyobi Skutt-Kakaria, Pablo Reimers, Luisa Pallares, Julien Ayroles, and Benjamin de Bivort

Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.

** Corresponding author:

Data files (MATLAB 2018b)

Download a .zip of all these data files.
decathlon_behavior_data.mat Contains data structs with assay behavioral data and descriptive behavior names from all 3 decathlon experiments (inbred Berlin-Kiso x2, outbred NEX x1) at various stages of preprocessing, merging (two inbred fly experiments), and infilling of missing values. Summary of items:
  • D_raw_unfilled - [3 x 1] struct array containing raw, unfilled, unmerged behavioral data
  • D_zscored_unfilled - [3 x 1] struct array containing z-scored, unfilled, unmerged behavioral data
  • D_als_filled - [3 x 1] struct array containing z-scored, ALS infilled, unmerged behavioral data
  • D_als_filled_merged - [3 x 1] struct array containing z-scored, ALS infilled, merged behavioral data
The above structs contain the following fields:
  • data - [nFlies x nBehaviors] behavior data from the decathlon assays
  • fields - [nBehaviors x 1] behavior labels with format: Assay metric (day)
  • n - [nBehaviors x nBehaviors] sample size for pairwise comparisons of behavior
  • imputed - [nFlies x nBehaviors] logical array indicating ALS infilled data points
  • meta - struct of experimental meta data for each data point and metric
decathlon_unsupervised_behavior_data.mat Contains data from unsupervised classification of spontaneous walking behavior. Summary of items:
  • D_us - [2 x 1] unsupervised behavior data for inbred (1) and outbred (2) flies
Each struct contains the following fields:
  • pdfs - [nFlies x nModes] probability density functions of behavioral modes for individual flies
  • pdf_labels - [nModes x 1] labels for mode probabilities
  • trans - [nFlies x nModes2] transition probabilities between modes for individual flies
  • trans_labels - [nModes2 x 1] transition probability labels with format: P(mode0,mode1)
  • strain - [nFlies x 1] array of experimental group labels (inbred = BK-iso, outbred = Nex)
  • ID - [nFlies x 1] fly ID numbers
decathlon_rnaseq_data.mat Contains RNAseq reads from decathlon fly heads. Summary of items:
  • D_seq - [3 x 1] RNAseq reads and meta data for inbred (1-2) and outbred (3) flies
Each struct contains the following fields:
  • data - [nGenes x nFlies] raw read counts of each gene for individual flies
  • geneID - [nGenes x 1] cell array of flyBase gene IDs
  • ID - [nFlies x 1] array of fly ID numbers
decathlon_thermo_gal4_data.mat Contains clumpiness and switchiness data from the Gal4 thermogenetic manipulation, Y-Maze screen. Summary of items:
  • D_thermo - struct of all screen data
Struct contains the following fields:
  • gal4 - [nGenotypes x 1] cell array of Gal4 driver lines
  • effector - [nGenotypes x 1] cell array of UAS-effectors
  • clumpiness - struct of clumpiness scores (nBlocks x nFlies) broken down by experiment block
  • switchiness - struct of switchiness scores (nBlocks x nFlies) broken down by experiment block
  • speed - struct of speed scores (nBlocks x nFlies) broken down by experiment block
  • bouts - struct of movement bout clumpiness scores (nBlocks x nFlies) broken down by experiment block
Order of experiment blocks is as follows:
  1. Stable low/permissive temp. (1hr)
  2. Ramp up low to high temp. (1hr)
  3. Stable high/restrictive temp. (1hr)
  4. Ramp down high to low temp. (1hr)
babam_dgrp_dn_data.mat Contains summary measures of behaviors from the BABAM screen, descending neuron screen, and DGRP database. Summary of items:
  • D_babam - struct of BABAM Gal4 screen behavioral data
  • D_dgrp_behavior - struct of DGRP behavioral data
  • D_dgrp_phys - struct of DGRP physiological data
  • DN_ctl - struct of control (unstimulated) descending neuron screen behavioral data
  • DN_exp - struct of experimental (stimulated) descending neuron screen behavioral data
D_babam contains the following fields:
  • data - [nLines x nBehaviors] array of line average behavioral measures
  • fields - [nBehaviors x 1] cell array of behavior labels
D_dgrp structs contains the following fields:
  • data - [nLines x nBehaviors] array of line average behavioral measures
  • fields - [nBehaviors x 1] cell array of behavior labels
  • imputed - [nLines x nBehaviors] logical array indicating values imputed by ALS infilling
DN structs contains the following fields:
  • lines - [nLines x 1] cell array of line IDs
  • DNs - [nLines x 1] cell array of descending neurons affected by each line
  • on_pdfs - [nLines x 1] cell array of individual fly pdfs (nFLies x nBehaviors) for each line (stimulated)
  • off_pdfs - [nLines x 1] cell array of individual fly pdfs (nFLies x nBehaviors) for each line (unstimulated)
  • line_avg_on_pdfs - [nLines x nBehaviors] per line average PDF of behavioral modes (stimulated)
  • line_avg_off_pdfs - [nLines x nBehaviors] per line average PDF of behavioral modes (unstimulated)
decathlon_enrichment_results.mat Contains RNAseq gene by behavior model p-values and results of the decathlon KEGG pathway enrichment analysis. Summary of items:
  • D_rnaseq_models - struct of rnaseq gene by behavior linear model p-values and labels
  • D_enrichment_results - struct bootstrapped KEGG pathway enrichment analysis results
D_rnaseq_models contains the following fields:
  • pvals - cell array of model p-values, each element [nGenes x nBehaviors]
  • fbgn - [nGenes x 1] cell array of FlyBase gene numbers
  • kegg - [nGenes x 1] cell array of KEGG gene IDs
  • gene_symbols - [nGenes x 1] cell array of gene symbols
  • gene_names - [nGenes x 1] cell array of FlyBase gene names
  • metric_labels - [nBehaviors x 1] cell array of behavior metric labels
D_enrichment_results contains the following fields:
  • experiment - experimental batch name
  • isogenic - boolean indicating whether batch was isogenic
  • prob_gene_given_cat - [nPathways x nGenes] array of the combined probability of a gene and pathway both being significant
  • cat_labels - [nPathways x 1] KEGG pathways significantly enriched in observed data
  • gene_kegg_ids - [nGenes x 1] KEGG gene IDs associated with any significantly enriched pathway
  • gene_labels - [nGenes x 1] gene names associated with any significantly enriched pathway
  • gene_fb_gene_num - [nGenes x 1] cell array of FlyBase gene numbers associated with any significantly enriched pathway
  • avg_min_pval - [nPathways x 1] -log10[minimum p-value] of enriched KEGG pathways
  • shuffled_avg_min_pval - [nPathways x 1] -log10[minimum p-value] of enriched KEGG pathways in shuffled data
  • avg_metrics_hit - [nPathways x 1] average number of metrics across bootstrap replicates associated with enriched pathways
  • cat_id - [nPathways x 1] KEGG pathway ID numbers
  • cat_genes - [nPathways x 1] cell array of lists of complete KEGG gene IDs associated with each enriched pathway (including those without significant gene by behavior model)
  • p_metric - [nPathways x nBehaviors] array of probability of pathway both being associated with a behavior
  • metric_labels - [nBehaviors x 1] behavioral metric labels
  • apriori_cat_x_gene - [nAprioriGroups x 1] cell array of heatmaps of combined probability of a gene and pathway both being significant split by a priori groups.

Analysis, simulation, and visualization functions (MATLAB 2018b)

Download a .zip of all these functions.
load_decathlon_structs.m Function: load_decathlon_structs.m

Description: load decathlon data structs from file decathlon_final_data.mat


  • fdir - parent directory containing decathlon_final_data.mat
  • var_name - variable name of struct to load (optional)


  • D - decathlon data struct containing behavioral data, behavior names, and experimental meta data

Variable Names:

  • D_raw_unfilled - [3 x 1] struct array containing raw, unfilled, unmerged behavioral data
  • D_zscored_unfilled - [3 x 1] struct array containing z-scored, unfilled, unmerged behavioral data
  • D_als_filled - [3 x 1] struct array containing z-scored, ALS infilled, unmerged behavioral data
  • D_als_filled_merged - [3 x 1] struct array containing z-scored, ALS infilled, merged behavioral data

pair_decathlon_structs.m Function: pair_decathlon_structs.m

Description: Permutes the field order of decathlon data structs to match and (optionally) collapses metrics in each struct into distilled form via PCA.


  • D - array of decathlon data structs
  • varargin - Name-Value pair options to specify how to pair and collapse fields.


  • D_paired - array of paired/collapsed decathlon data structs

Name-Value Pairs:

  • 'CollapseFields' - set fields to collapse into distilled metrics [ 'none' (default) | 'circadian' | 'all' ]
  • 'CollapseMode' - set method of collapsing metrics [ 'PCA' (default) | 'average' ]
  • 'Trim' - toggle trimming day of testing from field names [ false (default) | true ]
  • 'PCs' - number of PCs to collapse each a priori group [ positive scalar or array (nGroups x 1) ]

impute_decathlon_structs.m Function: impute_decathlon_structs.m

Description: Infill missing values of decathlon behavioral matrices.


  • D - array of decathlon data structs
  • varargin - Name-Value pair options to specify imputation method and standardization.


  • D_impute - array of infilled decathlon data structs

Name-Value Pairs:

  • 'ImputeMode' - set imputation method [ 'als' (default) | 'mean |' 'regression' | 'knn' ]
  • 'Standardize' - toggle z-scoring by experimental batch and behavioral metric [ true | false ]

cat_decathlon_structs.m Function: cat_decathlon_structs.m

Description: Concatenate data from one or more decathlon data structs into a single struct.


  • D - array of decathlon data structs
  • varargin - Name-Value pair options to specify any pre-processing for structs prior to concatenation.


  • D_cat - concatenated decathlon data struct

Name-Value Pairs:

  • 'ImputeMode' - set imputation method [ 'als' (default) | 'mean |' 'regression' | 'knn' ]
  • 'Standardize' - toggle z-scoring by experimental batch and behavioral metric [ true | false ]
  • 'CollapseFields' - set fields to collapse into distilled metrics [ 'none' (default) | 'circadian' | 'all' ]
  • 'CollapseMode' - set method of collapsing metrics [ 'PCA' (default) | 'average' ]
  • 'Trim' - toggle trimming day of testing from field names [ false (default) | true ]
  • 'PCs' - number of PCs to collapse each a priori group [ positive scalar or array (nGroups x 1) ]

Note: this function is used to combine the first and second isogenic decathlons into a single dataset.

parse_fieldnames.m Function: parse_fieldnames.m

Description: Parse decathlon behavior field names from 'Assay metric (day)' format into component parts.


  • fields - cell array of behavior field names


  • assay - behavior assay name
  • metric - behavior metric name
  • day - behavior day of testing

plot_pca_bootstrap.m Function: plot_pca_bootstrap.m

Description: Plot variance explained for PCA performed on bootstrapped observed and shuffled data (null model)


  • data - 2D data matrix to bootstrap
  • nreps - number of bootstrap replicates

Optional Inputs:

  • ci - confidence interval [ 95 (default)]
  • mode - variance explained plotting mode [ 'noncummulative' (default) | 'cummulative' ]
  • max_n - number of samples to draw in each replicate [ num observations (default)]


  • null_exp - [nReps x nPC] variance explained for bootstrapped shuffled data
  • obs_exp - [nReps x nPC] variance explained for bootstrapped observed data
  • nkeep - number of PCs with observed variance explained >= shuffled variance explained
  • plot_handles - handles to plot line and patch objects

See: Fig. 4C and Fig. S4D, S6A, S10A.

plotCorr.m Function: plotCorr.m

Description: Plot pairwise correlation matrices and (optionally) sort rows and columns via hierarchical clustering.


  • data - [nObservations x nMetrics] data matrix
  • varargin - plotting name-value pairs

Name-Value Pairs:

  • 'Cluster' - hierarchically cluster rows and columns [true (default) | false]
  • 'Ext' - figure export file format extension ['.fig' (default) ]
  • 'FontSize' - metric label font size [6 (default) ]
  • 'Labels' - metric labels [ none (default) | cell array of strings ]
  • 'Options' - optional arguments to MATLABs corr function [ {'rows';'pairwise'} (default)]
  • 'Parent' - target axes handles to plot matrices [ none (default) ]
  • 'PvalPlot' - plot p-value matrices [true (default) | false]
  • 'PvalPatch' - display patch to highlight significant correlations [true (default) | false]
  • 'SavePath' - export path for figures [ none(default) ]
  • 'Signed' - toggle absolute value of correlations [true (default) | false]


  • null_exp - [nReps x nPC] variance explained for bootstrapped shuffled data
  • obs_exp - [nReps x nPC] variance explained for bootstrapped observed data
  • nkeep - number of PCs with observed variance explained >= shuffled variance explained
  • plot_handles - handles to plot line and patch objects

See: Fig. 1E, 1G, 2E, 5A, 6A and Fig. S1A, S8A, S8B, S9, S10B.

PCARegressionCI.m Function: PCARegressionCI.m

Description: Create scatter plot with bootstrapped 95% confidence interval.


  • data - [nFlies x 2] data to be plotted
  • ah - axes handle to target plot/li>

Name-Value Pairs

  • 'XLim' - x-axis limit specified in standard deviations
  • 'YLim' - y-axis limit specified in standard deviations
  • 'Plot' - toggles plotting on and off [ true (default) | false ]


  • fit - struct containing regression parameters

See: Fig. 1F, 1H, 2E, 3D, 5F, 5G and Fig. S8C.

plot_metricDistributions.m Function: plot_metricDistributions.m

Description: Pair matching behavioral metrics across decathlon experiments and overlay their kernel density estimates.


  • D - array of decathlon structs

Name-Value Pairs

  • 'Labels' - [nMetrics x 1] cell array of metric labels

Figure scripts (MATLAB 2018b)

plot_all_assay_tsne.m Script: plot_all_assay_tsne.m

Description: Plots t-SNE embeddings for individuals and behavioral metrics for all decathlon experiments. Two behavioral metric embeddings are plotted, one colored by a priori group and one colored by assay.

See: Figure 1.

plot_apriori_grouped_corrmats.m Script: plot_apriori_grouped_corrmats.m

Description: Sorts behavioral metrics into a priori groupings and plots pairwise correlation matrices. Additionally generates color coded a priori grouping and assay tabs.

See: Figure 1.

plot_all_assay_persistence.m Script: plot_all_assay_persistence.m

Description: Parses assay persistence data into unique combinations of assay x metric across days of testing. and plot the correlation of each metric to itself across days of testing.

See: supplemental figure 1.

plot_imputation_comparison.m Script: plot_imputation_comparison.m

Description: Compare error between toy ground truth and imputed datasets infilled via mean, KNN, linear, and ALS imputation methods.

See: supplemental figure 4.

plot_all_corr_of_corr_bootstraps.m Script: plot_all_corr_of_corr_bootstraps.m

Description: Plot distributions of the correlation of pairwise correlations across bootstrap replicates for all decathlon data structs as well as shuffled data.

See: supplemental figure 5.

plot_all_apriori_pca_bootstrap.m Script: plot_all_apriori_pca_bootstrap.m

Description: Plot PCA variance explained bootstrap for all a priori groups in all decathlon data structs.

Note: empty plots are due to uncollapsable a priori groups composed of a single metric.

See: supplemental figure 6A.

plot_pca_loadings.m Script: plot_pca_loadings.m

Description: Plot distilled matrix PC behavioral metric loadings for inbred and outbred flies.

See: supplemental figure 6B.

plot_all_rvalue_dist.m Script: plot_all_rvalue_dist.m

Description: Plot bootstrapped behavioral r-value and p-value distributions for inbred, outbred, and shuffled datasets. Additionally estimates the false discovery rate for significant behavioral correlations.

See: supplemental figure 7.

plot_clump_switch_sig_pcs.m Script: plot_clump_switch_sig_pcs.m

Description: Plot correlation and p-value matrices for significantly correlated pairs of clumpiness and switchiness a priori group principle components. Plot loadings for significant PCs.

See: supplemental figure 8.

plot_all_conncomp_drop.m Script: plot_all_conncomp_drop.m

Description: Plot toy dataset covariance matrices with varying effective dimensionality and cluster size. Plot histograms of number of connected components across a parameter sweep of correlation thresholds.

See: supplemental figure 9.

plot_clump_switch_by_thermo_gal4_effector.m Script: plot_clump_switch_by_thermo_gal4_effector.m

Description: Create scatter plots and correlation bar plots for Y-Maze turn clumpiness and switchiness from the thermogenetic gal4 LDM screen.

See: Figure 3D-E.

plot_rnaseq_expression_and_model_heatmaps.m Script: plot_rnaseq_expression_and_model_heatmaps.m

Description: Plot heatmaps of the reads per million normalized (RPM) gene expression of all transcripts sequenced. Quantile normalize expression data and create expression scree plots. Plot p-value heatmaps for the gene by behavior linear models for all transcripts passing the minimum RPM threshold.

See: Figure 4B-D.

plot_kegg_enrichment_results.m Script: plot_kegg_enrichment_results.m

Description: Plot panels from the boostrapped KEGG enrichment analysis.

  1. Bootstrapped shuffled and unshuffled average minimum p-value bar plots.
  2. Bootstrapped average number metrics hit by average minimum p-value scatter plots.
  3. Average minimum p-value paired dot plots.
  4. KEGG pathway by gene boostrapped heatmaps split by a priori groups.

See: Figure 4E-G.

Unsupervised behavioral classification data (MATLAB 2018b)

run_tsne_analysis.m Script: run_tsne_analysis.m

Description: Load unsupervised behavior t-SNE embeddings, pre-process, and summarize with a collection of visualizations.

Note: requires dependencies from Motion-mapper.

See: Figure 2B-E,I.

fit_tsne_z_logspeed_gmm.m Function: fit_tsne_z_logspeed_gmm.m

Description: Fit a 2-component GMM to embedding speed data to identify threshold between state pauses and state transitions.


  • z_speed - [nFlies x 1] cell array of individual fly t-SNE embedding speed time series
  • plot_bool - [ true | false ] toggle plotting of GMM fit and threshold


  • sigma - [nComponents x 1] array of component standard deviations
  • z_thresh - t-SNE speed threshold

plot_density.m Function: plot_density.m

Description: Plot t-SNE density.


  • density - [nBins x nBins] numeric array of t-SNE embedding PDF
  • idx_map - [nBins x nBins] array of watershed indices

Name-Value Pairs:

  • 'Parent' - target axes for plot
  • 'CLim' - color axis limits
  • 'Numbered' - toggles displaying text labels over each watershed [ false (default) | true ]
  • 'OutlineDensity' - toggles displaying watershed boundaries [ false (default) | true ]

See: Figure 2B.

plot_mode_pdfs.m Function: plot_mode_pdfs.m

Description: Plots behavioral mode PDF heatmap (C) and watershed density map colored by average mode density (D).


  • idxMap - [nBins x nBins] pixel map of watershed mode identities
  • pdfs - [nFlies x nModes] array of individual fly behavior mode probability density functions

See: Figure 2C-D.

plot_individual_densities.m Function: plot_individual_densities.m

Description: Plots separate t-SNE densities for all individual flies.


  • embeddings - struct containing embedding data for all flies
  • sigma - standard deviation of density estimate kernel
  • numPoints - number of bins (X and Y) to estimate density
  • rangeVals - [2 x 1] numeric array of min and max bins

Embeddings struct contains the following fields:

  • z_data - [nFlies x 1] cell array of individual fly t-SNE trajectories (each nFrames x 2)
  • z_speed - [nFlies x 1] cell array of individual fly t-SNE speed (each nFrames x 1)
  • label - [nFlies x 1] cell array of unique fly labels (strain + ID no.)
  • strain - [nFlies x 1] cell array of fly line labels
  • ID - [nFlies x 1] numeric array of fly ID numbers
  • z_thresh - [nFlies x 1] t-SNE speed threshold defining boundary between mode pauses and transistions

See: Figure 2D.

plot_all_pdf_corr.m Function: plot_all_pdf_corr.m

Description: Plots behavioral mode PDF correlation matrices split by inbred/outbred flies.


  • pdfs - [nFlies x nModes] array of individual fly behavior mode probability density functions


  • cluster_perm - [nModes x 1] hierarchical clustering permutation of behavior modes

See: Figure 2E.

plot_genotype_densities.m Function: plot_genotype_densities.m

Description: Plots separate t-SNE densities for each fly line.


  • embeddings - struct containing embedding data for all flies
  • sigma - standard deviation of density estimate kernel
  • numPoints - number of bins (X and Y) to estimate density
  • rangeVals - [2 x 1] numeric array of min and max bins
  • clim - [2 x 1] color axis limits

Embeddings struct contains the following fields:

  • z_data - [nFlies x 1] cell array of individual fly t-SNE trajectories (each nFrames x 2)
  • z_speed - [nFlies x 1] cell array of individual fly t-SNE speed (each nFrames x 1)
  • label - [nFlies x 1] cell array of unique fly labels (strain + ID no.)
  • strain - [nFlies x 1] cell array of fly line labels
  • ID - [nFlies x 1] numeric array of fly ID numbers
  • z_thresh - [nFlies x 1] t-SNE speed threshold defining boundary between mode pauses and transistions

plot_tsne_position_samples.m Function: plot_tsne_position_samples.m

Description: Plot individual X and Y t-SNE trajectory timeseries for all individuals.


  • embeddings - struct containing embedding data for all flies

Embeddings struct contains the following fields:

  • z_data - [nFlies x 1] cell array of individual fly t-SNE trajectories (each nFrames x 2)
  • z_speed - [nFlies x 1] cell array of individual fly t-SNE speed (each nFrames x 1)
  • label - [nFlies x 1] cell array of unique fly labels (strain + ID no.)
  • strain - [nFlies x 1] cell array of fly line labels
  • ID - [nFlies x 1] numeric array of fly ID numbers
  • z_thresh - [nFlies x 1] t-SNE speed threshold defining boundary between mode pauses and transistions

mode_from_embeddingValues.m Function: mode_from_embeddingValues.m

Description: Assigns watershed mode to each frame based on t-SNE embedding position to generate a mode time series for each fly.


  • density - [nBins x nBins] numeric array of t-SNE embedding PDF
  • xx - [nBins x 1] center of each point embedding bin
  • z - [nFlies x 1] cell array of t-SNE trajectories


  • individual_modes - [nFlies x 1] cell array of mode assignments for each individual (nFrames x 1)
  • unique_modes - [nModes x 1] numeric array of unique mode identities
  • mode_pdfs - [nFlies x nModes] mode probability density functions for each fly
  • idxMap - [nFlies x 1] cell array of fly line labels

modeBouts.m Function: modeBouts.m

Description: Segments individual mode time series into discrete bouts populated by a single mode.


  • fID - [nFrames x 1] array of mode identity assigned to each frame
  • modes - [nModes x 1] unique modes
  • tDur - minimum bout length threshold (frames)


  • starts - frame indices of mode bout starts (unfiltered)
  • stops - frame indices of mode bout stops (unfiltered)
  • durations - length in frames of each mode bout (unfiltered)
  • sampleFrames - frame indices of mode bout starts (filtered)
  • sampleDurations - length in frames of each mode bout (unfiltered)

make_all_tiled_mode_movies.m Function: make_all_tiled_mode_movies.m

Description: Generate tiled movie composed of individual movement bout.


  • fID - [nFrames x 1] array of mode identity assigned to each frame
  • modes - [nModes x 1] unique modes
  • tDur - minimum bout length threshold (frames)


  • starts - frame indices of mode bout starts (unfiltered)
  • stops - frame indices of mode bout stops (unfiltered)
  • durations - length in frames of each mode bout (unfiltered)
  • sampleFrames - frame indices of mode bout starts (filtered)
  • sampleDurations - length in frames of each mode bout (unfiltered)

modeMovie.m Function: modeMovie.m

Description: Segments individual mode time series into discrete bouts populated by a single mode.


  • fID - [nFrames x 1] array of mode identity assigned to each frame
  • modes - [nModes x 1] unique modes
  • tDur - minimum bout length threshold (frames)


  • starts - frame indices of mode bout starts (unfiltered)
  • stops - frame indices of mode bout stops (unfiltered)
  • durations - length in frames of each mode bout (unfiltered)
  • sampleFrames - frame indices of mode bout starts (filtered)
  • sampleDurations - length in frames of each mode bout (unfiltered)

getModeMovieVector.m Function: getModeMovieVector.m

Description: Segments individual mode time series into discrete bouts populated by a single mode.


  • fID - [nFrames x 1] array of mode identity assigned to each frame
  • modes - [nModes x 1] unique modes
  • tDur - minimum bout length threshold (frames)


  • starts - frame indices of mode bout starts (unfiltered)
  • stops - frame indices of mode bout stops (unfiltered)
  • durations - length in frames of each mode bout (unfiltered)
  • sampleFrames - frame indices of mode bout starts (filtered)
  • sampleDurations - length in frames of each mode bout (unfiltered)