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Social context modulates idiosyncrasy of behaviour
in the gregarious cockroach Blaberus discoidalis

James D. Crall1,2,*, André D. Souffrant1,*, Dominic Akandwanaho1,*, Sawyer D. Hescock1,*, Sarah E. Callan1,**, W. Melissa Coronado1,**, Maude W. Baldwin1, Benjamin L. de Bivort1,3,***

1 Dept. of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
2 Concord Field Station, Harvard University, Bedford, MA 01730, USA.
3 Center for Brain Science, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
* These authors contributed equally.
** These authors contributed equally.
*** Corresponding author:

Final publication coming soon.
Pre-print available at

Experimental stimulus delivery .m script (MATLAB 2014b)

redmagentasector2.m Matlab script for projecting red and magenta mobile stimulus. Inputs are number of sectors and length of time to run the stimulus.

Cockroach tracking scripts (MATLAB 2014b)

Download a .zip of all cockroach tracking scripts Version of BEEtag tracking software, examples, and dependencies used during experimental trials. For the most updated tracking software, see current BEEtag github repository.
FindAndPlotQRCodesFromMovieMaster.m Main Matlab tracking code for analyzing the position of cockroaches marked with BEEtags within the circular experimental arena. Input is a video file, output is a .mat data file. Calls 'locateCodes.m' from BEEtag directory, 'roachAnalyzeMovie.m', 'roachCohorts.mat', and 'roachMask.mat.' Slight modifications of this code were made for each experimental round.
roachAnalyzeMovie.m Matlab script for extracting relevant information from formatted movie titles. From movie title, extracts the housing cohort and the first frame of movies to be used for tracking (corresponding to the first frame when all cockroaches were in the experimental arena). Slight modifications of this code were made for each experimental round.
roachCohorts.mat Matlab data file containing the list of individuals cockroaches in each housing cohort. A unique version of this .mat was made for each experimental round.
roachMask.mat Matlab data file containing average intensity for experimental background for use in tracking. This will not be generalizable across different experimental designs.

Tracking output

Download a .zip of tracking output across all experimental rounds. .zip archive file containing .mat data files for each trial during Experimental Round 1. .zip archive file containing .mat data files for each trial during Experimental Round 2. .zip archive file containing .mat data files for each trial during Experimental Round 3. .zip archive file containing .mat data files for each trial during Experimental Round 4.

Tracking analysis scripts

Download a .zip of all tracking analysis scripts
roachPositionAnalysisR2.m Matlab script for analyzing tracking performance and other metrics of individual cockroaches. Input is the name of a .mat data file as output from 'FindAndPlotQRCodesFromMovieMaster.m.' Calls 'roackFixKymograph' and 'roachKymograph.' Slight modifications of this code were made for each experimental round.
roachFixKymograph.m Matlab script for fixing errors in tracking red and magenta regions based on tracking output from 'FindAndPlotQRCodesFromMovieMaster.m.'
roachKymograph.m Matlab script for plotting kymograph over a single trial with color-coded positions of individual cockroaches overlaid.

Summary data and analysis

Download a .zip of summary data and script
roachMasterDataForR.csv Individual tracking data for each individual cockroach across all trials and experimental rounds. Metrics include average within-trial tracking performance and speed, among others.
roachAnovaInR.R R script for anova analyses performed in R using compiled data across all experimental rounds (found in "roachMasterDataForR.csv").