# 1st July 2019 This directory contains data (1) and scripts (2, 3) relevant for the manuscript "Individual, but not population asymmetries, are modulated by social environment and genotype in Drosophila melanogaster" by Versace, Caffini, Werkhoven, de Bivort. 1.Data This directory contains data used for the analysis. The format of the dataset consists in the output of tracking the (x,y) position and related features (e.g. velocity, distance) of flies in a circular arena using the software Flytracker - http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Tools/FlyTracker/ - For each video we have a trak.mat file and a feat.mat file. For instance, for a video in which we tracked the DGRP line RAL-136 (d338), with a pair of males (mm), trial 3 (t5) we had as outputs d338mmt5joined-feat.mat and d338mmt5joined-track.mat You can find the description of the output here: http://www.vision.caltech.edu/Tools/FlyTracker/documentation.html and we report the description below Output: -track.mat raw tracking data (e.g. position, orientation, left wing angle) trk.names {1 x n_fields cell} names of fields in trk.data trk.data [n_flies x n_frames x n_fields double] tracking data matrix trk.flags [n_flags x 5 double] potential identity swaps (fly1 fly2 start_fr end_fr ambig) -feat.mat features derived from tracking data (e.g. velocity, distance to wall) feat.names {1 x n_fields cell} names of fields in feat.data feat.units {1 x n_fields cell} units of fields in feat.data feat.data [n_flies x n_frames x n_fields double] feature data matrix -seg.mat foreground/body/wing/leg pixel locations -JAABA folder suitable for JAABA processing, containing tracking and video data -actions.mat list of actions annotated by user using the visualizer tool behs {1 x n_behs cell} names of annotated actions bouts {n_flies x n_behs cell} list of bouts for all flies and actions (start_fr end_fr certainty) Feature description: individual features 'vel' speed of fly 'ang_vel' angular velocity of fly 'min_wing_ang' mininum of left and right wing angle 'max_wing_ang' maximum of left and right wing angle 'mean_wing_length' mean of left and right wing length 'axis_ratio' major axis length divided by minor axis length 'fg_body_ratio' foreground area divided by body area 'contrast' mean gradient in image around fly 'dist_to_wall' distance to wall relative features 'dist_to_other' distance between the centers of the two flies 'leg_dist' minimum distance between foregrounds of the two flies 'angle_between' angle between the facing vectors of the two flies 'facing_angle' angle between facing vector and the vector towards other fly 2_LOAD_circling - load_data_circling_index This directory contains a MATLAB file with the instructions on how to load datasets and how to compute the circling index in a MATLAB script 3_HEATMAP - scripts_heatmap_position This directory contains the instructions (readme_heatmap.txt) and scripts to (a) fix a bug in the feat files ouputted by Flytracker using the calibration files and the script feat_compute_revised.m (b) plot the heatmap of the position and distance between partner flies in a dyad